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High Precision Measurements


(measurements Engineering Services)

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Why us ?

Experience and Professionalis at your service

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We offer you services and solutions for all metrology applications

Versione Italiana


3DMes Ag is an swiss firm based Zurich, with experience acquired in different measuring systems (Galileo, Wild, Kern, Leica, Metric Vision, API, ISO, Brunson, Hexagon, etc.) and in different methodologies (contact measurements, non-contact measurements, measurements in Thermal vacuum chambers (thermal Distortion). 3DMes offers a complete range of solutions and services for all industrial metrology applications in various sectors, including aerospace, scientific, medical, cultural heritage and defense. We support our customers throughout the life cycle of a product from the design and development to the assembly and final testing, providing instant measurement results.

The company has all kinds of high-precision instrumentation currently on the market; this allows choosing the most suitable instrument for any requirement.

All measurements are made thanks to optical scanning systems: the measurement system can be completely non-contact, which means that the surface of the object under measurement is not touched or physically altered during the measurement process. This is a specific request of many customers.

" We operate both in Swiss and abroad, mainly with aerospace companies and with the cultural heritage sector; each work is done respecting the Accuracy and Privacy requirements, fundamental in the collaboration with international companies of high technology sectors as aerospace and defense.

Over more than 30 years of operation, we matured remarkable experience in high precision measurement sector, in tridimentional reality acquisition, in data editing and modelling, in their conversion in maps and elaborated graphics and in their visual representation in three dimentions."


3DMes operates in the field of measurement of high precision and, through the use of its measurement systems, performs:

3D Measurements
Laser Radar, Scanner, Tracker, Photogrammetry for Industry and Cultural Heritage

Thanks to our optical instruments we are able to measure in 3D with extreme precision any object in any environment.

misure tridimensionali e laser tracker
Dimensional Testing
Airplanes, Satellites, Models, Mechanics, Carpentry

We realize dimensional tests for the automotive, aerospace and manufacturing sector in general. All our dimensional tests are supervised to ensure compliance with the requirements.

collaudi dimensionali per industrie
Space, Defense, Mechanical and Civil Constructions

Thanks to our experience and equipment, we have aligned the TBM of the Suez Canal, antennas, etc.

allineamenti per costruzioni meccaniche e civili
Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering Solutions, Reverse Engineering for measures

We provide answers and solutions for Reverse Engineering problems. From the product to its production process. We verify that the product manufactured corresponds to the original design

misure reverse engineering
Controls and Monitoring
Bridges, Tunnels, Antennas, Buildings

We realize controls and monitoring of bridges, buildings, tunnels and everything else that needs periodic checks.

controlli e misure 3d
Sale of measuring instruments and systems
Sale of measuring systems designed according to customer requirements that can be portable or fixed

Sale of measuring instruments as Laser Tracker, Software (Polyworks or Spatial Analyzer), Arms, 3D Scanners, Photogrammetry GSI, Radar Lasers, Diastimeter Lasers (DISTO), Theodolites, Total Stations, GPS measuring stations, measurement accessories

vendita sistemi di misura


Some of our main customers in the field of 3D metrology

collaudi 3D collaudi dimensionali allineamenti 3D misure tecnologiche metrologia 3d misure 3d e controlli dimensionali misure 3d per lo spazio collaudi tecnologici misure misurazioni per collaudi azienda per misurazioni 3d azienda per collaudi dimensionali misure e collaudi dimensionali azienda per misure dimensionali lazio misure 3d lazio azienda per misure 3d lazio collaudi tecnologici lazio collaudi tecnologici azienda italiana misure e collaudi tecnologici allineamenti misure


We have the most modern and sophisticated precision instruments. Our tools range consists of:

  • 1 Leica Absolute Tracker 901 , LR con T-Scan e T-Probe
  • 1 Laser Radar LR 200 Leica, MetricVision
  • 2 Laser Tracker LTD 500 Leica
  • 1 Laser Tracker LTD 640 Leica
  • Video grammetry GSI-INCA 2°, including Prospot and Canister for Thermal Distortion
  • 2 TM 5100A Leica Theodolites
  • 1 Total Station Leica TDA5005
  • 1 Total Station Leica TDRA6000
  • 2 Wild Leica T2000 S Theodolites
  • 2 Wild Leica T2002 Theodolites
  • 2 Kern E2-I for special measurements on centered parabolas (Antennas)

In support of our precision instruments, we have professional software
to elaborate and process the acquired data.
We have full licenses for the following software:

  • 4 Leica Axyz CDM, STM, MTM, LTM, CAD
  • 1 V-Stars
  • 2 Spatial Analyzer
  • 1 PolyWorks
  • 1 T-Sat (auto verification of satellite components alignment)

misure 3d per allineamentiOnly what can be measured, can be improved


Some of our projects

3DMes Ettore Grasso

Contact us for information or for a coffee